The mere word brings thoughts of change and transition. CapeWomenOnline magazine's new Fall issue is brimming with stories of transition and resiliency, from Cape Cod artists following their dreams to the Irish poet dreaming of fall in New England.
Great stories. Great ideas. Great issue!
Check it out!
Join the women of Cape Cod as we share our ideas, experiences and resources while inspiring each other in our life's journey
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Go Whale Watching with the Provincetwon Center for Coastal Studies!
In the Summer 2011 Issue of CWO, Karin Delaney tells us about the wonderful women of PCCS - the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies - currently celebrating their 35th summer of environmental awareness and action.
Karin writes about the scientists who had the original vision to open a Center for Coastal Studies at the very tip of Massachusetts and make a go of it. Their vision has endured and grown, with PCCS becoming one of the leaders in coastal research in the world. And they're right here on Cape Cod!
She writes:
As part of the year long celebration, PCCS is offering special whale watch cruises, leaving from MacMillan Wharf and including special food and beverages. Marine scientists from PCCS will be on hand to chat with you about the whales, the mission of PCCS, their current projects, and anything else you may want to ask...
There's one cruise left on the calendar of events, coming up on Friday, August 26th. Check out the full calendar of events at CWO by clicking here, or go directly to the PCCS website at www.coastalstudies.org.
One more reason that Cape Cod is a very special place!
Karin writes about the scientists who had the original vision to open a Center for Coastal Studies at the very tip of Massachusetts and make a go of it. Their vision has endured and grown, with PCCS becoming one of the leaders in coastal research in the world. And they're right here on Cape Cod!
She writes:
This mighty little marine science institute, situated at the tip of Cape Cod, was founded in 1976 by three young PhD scientists. Although they had very limited financial resources, they possessed unbounded curiosity and an unwavering commitment to researching the local marine and coastal environment and educating the public about their findings.To read more of Karin's article, click here.
Marine biologist Dr. Charles "Stormy" Mayo's field of interest was studying the colonies of microscopic phytoplankton which provide the major food source for large marine mammals. Stormy's wife, the late Dr. Barbara Mayo, also a marine biologist, had a research passion of her own: studying the benthic zone, commonly known as the ocean floor. Coastal geologist, Dr. Graham Giese, rounded out the trio's complimentary talent pool with his interest in studying the dynamic interactions in the intertidal zone, where the ocean waves meet the shoreline.
As part of the year long celebration, PCCS is offering special whale watch cruises, leaving from MacMillan Wharf and including special food and beverages. Marine scientists from PCCS will be on hand to chat with you about the whales, the mission of PCCS, their current projects, and anything else you may want to ask...
There's one cruise left on the calendar of events, coming up on Friday, August 26th. Check out the full calendar of events at CWO by clicking here, or go directly to the PCCS website at www.coastalstudies.org.
One more reason that Cape Cod is a very special place!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Final Week of Free Music on Cape Cod!

The Arts Foundation of Cape Cod has once again teamed up with the Citizen's Bank Foundation to bring a series of free, family-friendly live concerts to multiple venues dotting the Cape Cod landscape.
From Falmouth to Orleans, the Arts Foundation has been helping "rock" the Cape all summer. But if you want to see a free concert or two, you'd best hurry. This is the final week of this fabulous series!
For a complete list of concert locations, dates and artists, visit CapeWomenOnline magazine's Community Action pages here : http://www.capewomenonline.com/Issue_Summer2011/Articles_summer2011/artsFoundationConcert.html
Monday, August 1, 2011
CWO celebrates the National Seashore's 50th Anniversary

Lisa Ricard Claro may currently reside in the southeastern part of the U.S., but has fond memories of her childhood summers spent on Cape Cod. Her story IN DREAMS includes marvelous black and white family photos from long ago summers.
While she's currently exploring life South of the Border in Puerto Vallarta, Darlene Carucci has spent many winters exploring Cape Cod, including taking her Dad to see an old shipwreck that washed up on the National Seashore, which she recounts in SEASHORE MEMORIES WITH MY DAD.
CWO columnist Lynne Delaney recently helped her husband Josh bring his long-awaited book project into reality. PIECES OF EIGHT is a novel based on Cape Cod, retelling the story of the infamous pirate Sam Bellamy. In this issue of CWO she writes about a day that she and Josh visited the National Seashore to toast all those whose ships have wrecked upon Cape Cod's treacherous shoals in BURIED HISTORY...
And finally, I added a National Seashore memory of my own, telling how my family has created traditions that incorporate the National Seashore into our lives, in RACE POINT SNAPSHOTS.
We are so lucky to have this national treasure right here on our doorstep, and so lucky that it will stay preserved for our children and grandchildren. Kudos to President Kennedy and everyone else who was involved in this preservation back in 1961, and throughout the last 50 years. The Cape Cod National Seashore is a jewel in the National Park system and we're blessed to live right next door.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Check out the Summer 2011 Issue

The Summer 2011 Issue of CapeWomenOnline magazine is here, just in time for your summer reading pleasure! For inspiring stories of artist journeys, roads to publication, and women making the leap to run their own businesses, check out our magazine!
Our lead image is entitled "Cheese Slice in Paradise," by Provincetown artist Katherine Fenwick. The publisher and I went to the opening of her new gallery and studio last month, and fell in love with her tongue-in-cheek images and humorous take on traditional still life paintings. For more of her artwork, check out her website at www.fenwickstudio.com
The Cape is celebrating several important anniversaries this summer as well - The National Seashore turns 50, the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies (PCCS) turns 35, Cape Cod Museum of Art turns 30, and the WE CAN center turns 10! We have stories and insights on all these events and more, to inform and inspire our readers.
Take a look, check it out, and send us an email to let us know what you think!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Peaceful Cape Cod Landscapes

It's been cold here, and we've had a lot of rain, so maybe you're getting a little cabin-feverish as well. Why not drive over to the Cape Cod Museum of Art? It's right off 6A on Hope Lane in Dennis. There's always something new to see, or an event or exhibit you may have overlooked.
Currently, the Museum is featuring the landscapes of Marguerite Falconer - read about the exhibit and her beautiful artwork in the current issue of CapeWomenOnline by clicking this link:
As the weather warms up, we Cape Codders are lucky enough to be able to enjoy the peaceful Cape landscapes all year round. I know my puppy appreciates a good sunset at the beach...

Monday, January 31, 2011
More Recommended Reading...

Pat Bertschy writes reviews for CapeWomenOnline magazine. An avid reader with eclectic tastes, she's reviewed a wide variety of books over the last few years.
In the latest issue of CWO, Pat reviews the memoir A MOUNTAIN OF CRUMBS by Elena Gorokhova. To read her review, click here.
If you have a suggestion for Pat to review, please feel free to contact the Editor at Katie@CapeWomenOnline.com.
If you would like to submit a review for publication in CapeWomenOnline magazine, please check our Submission Guidelines and then contact the Editor at Katie@CapeWomenOnline.com
There's always room for another opinionated Cape Woman in our Literary Pages!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday Reading

What are you reading this cold, winter week? Why not check out some of the new book recommendations at CapeWomenOnline?
Caitlin Doggart, co-owner of Where the Sidewalk Ends bookstore in Chatham, has rounded up a host of new fiction recommendations for us in the current issue of CapeWomenOnline. She's got a few picks scheduled for release in each of the next few months... starting with the latest novel by Lisa Genova, LEFT NEGLECTED.
Click on the image above to read all her reviews.
What are you reading?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Winter 2011 Issue Available Online

In this issue, we welcome the new year and a new decade with articles exploring the issue of self-discovery... what have we learned about ourselves and what do we really want out of the coming decade? Our contributing writers chronicle their own journeys as well as those of others.
From our featured artist, Jackie Reeves, who is Living her Dream and creating beautiful and inspiring pieces of collage work like the one pictured on this page, to our latest "Woman to Watch," Barbara Nagle - a retired teacher who discovered that she wasn't quite finished teaching others.
Our contributors explore life in Mexico, get inspired by ideas at a student conference, learn about ekphrasis poetry, discover the ins and outs of book promotion, and so much more.
Come over to CapeWomenOnline and see what's going on. You're sure to find something to inspire you!
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