Saturday, September 8, 2012


Walk into positive life changes this Fall!
Dock Join us for a FREE Fall Classes & Events Presentation
at Masjah Studio  
181 Rte 137, East Harwich, MA 

Saturday, September 8 from 2-5pm  

Nicola Burnell, publisher of CapeWomenOnline magazine, will present her Fall Series of block-busting, life altering workshops and classes that are designed to help you discover your inspired, authentic Self.  
Nicola has been teaching creativity, writing and personal growth classes for over fifteen years on Cape Cod. This informal event gives you the opportunity to discuss her dynamic programs and meet some of her students. From artists, to writers, to women going through major life transitions, you will be inspired by their stories and how these programs have helped them move through fear and into action and empowerment. Attending this event will give you a good sense of what to expect in each class and help you decide which program is the best fit for you. 
Programs to be discussed include:

Discover the Artist's Way           

"The Artist's Way class was a lifeline for helped me relocate my core, the unique qualities that make me "me"...During the course, I gradually regained my strength and vision. The Artist's Way reset my compass and helped me get back in touch with my hopes and dreams." Allison Argo 

"When I started the Artist's Way I was looking for clarity and direction, trying to answer the question 'what now, what's next?'...We ended the program by displaying our work in an art show at the Guyer Barn. It was a feeling of joy and accomplishment, individually and collectively. Our creative fires were lit and our journey had just begun. Naturally, I couldn't end there. It seemed to follow that I then take Nickey's "What's Your Story?" class." Johanne K

What's Your Story? If you don't like it then let's re-write it!               

"Nicola provided us with possibilities. In her class she empowered us, encouraged us to stretch beyond our old confinements. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Dianne McD 

"I am two weeks away from completing this program. Last week I realized my total energy had shifted. At some point, I let go of the fear, self-doubt and cloudy view that had blocked my path. I now feel empowered, centered and confident." JK 

Stop Talking About Writing A Book ~ Just Write It!        

"This writing class is such fun - all that laughter! Thank you, Nicola, for your comments. You called my piece 'inspiring.' I think you and this group are inspiring....Joining this group may just be one of the best decisions I've ever made." Katharine D

"Nickey works so hard to bring out the best in us as writers. Equally important, she does this in a non-threatening, constructive manner. Classes are a safe haven, filled with much humor, in which to hatch our creative talents. I always look forward to our classes and I can't recommend them enough to anyone who has a desire to write."
Paul F

Every Life is a Story Waiting to be Told             

Mapping Your Future

What's the buzz about the Cape Women in the Community Events? Come and learn about these FUN events that honor our culture, our history and our friendships.

Space is limited!

Please RSVP by emailing or call 774 212 2270

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