There are times when I have to smile and say, "I love my job."
Not every day, mind you. Not when there are problems afoot, or writers missing deadlines. But other times, when you get a sign from the Universe that you've done something good.
I didn't work this weekend, as my daughter's Girl Scout troop was on a camping trip. As their Leader, I was camping too. I like camping, but those first few hours of getting things set up and getting all the girls situated in tents can be hectic.
In the midst of all the hectic-ness, one of the other leader received a phone call and had to step away from the mayhem. She was gone for a while (which is why we have several adults in each unit, just in case.) I worried that it was bad news of some sort, but when she returned she was smiling.
"That was a friend of mine," she said, still smiling. "She just read my article, and wanted to tell me that she really loved it."
I met Dorothy Cohen three years ago, when my daughter was first assigned to her Brownie troop. I wasn't an official Leader that year because there were already three leaders. Dorothy was my favorite. She was down-to-earth with a self-deprecating sense of humor that I appreciated, and she was an animal lover. We quickly bonded for life.
The following year, she talked me into being a Leader with her. I'm still a Girl Scout Leader. And now, she's also a writer for CapeWomenOnline magazine. Her article in the current Spring Issue tells about her volunteer work with the Brewster Animal Rescue League.
It made me feel good to see her so excited by the positive feedback. Like I did something really worthwhile.
Editing can be rewarding.